Migrate my blog from WordPress to Jekyll
06 Jan 2021Why Jekyll?
My blog was on WordPress hosted by Godaddy. Using WordPress is simple for non-technical people, they don’t have to understand HTML and CSS.
Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories. As a file-based CMS, it can render Markdown and Liquid templates. And it’s free.
As an IT guy, similar to “infrastructure as code”, I can handle “post as code” and merge my posts into GitHub branch.
Before Migration
- Install Jekyll - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/
Choose a theme, or design your own styles
I forked Hyde to my local.
Fix issue in Big Sur (MacOS)
After upgrading my Mac to the latest OS, Jekyll stopped working and threw this error:
Could not find eventmachine-1.2.7 in any of the sources. Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
Then Google gave me the following solution:
- Install Xcode 12.3
- Install Command Line Tools for Xcode 12.3
Install rbenv
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv cd ~/.rbenv && src/configure && make -C src # Add ~/.rbenv/bin to your $PATH echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer # Navigate to your Jekyll root bundle install
Then Jekyll worked on my local
jekyll serve
Data Migration
According to https://import.jekyllrb.com/docs/wordpress/, I need to install jekyll-import to import my posts from WordPress.
Install all the required plugins
Install sequel
sudo gem install sequel
Install unidecode
sudo gem install unidecode
Install jekyll-import
sudo gem install jekyll-import
Run jekyll-import
ruby -r rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import"; JekyllImport::Importers::WordPress.run({ "dbname" => "[mysql_db]", "user" => "[mysql_user]", "password" => "[mysql_pwd]", "host" => "[mysql_host]", "port" => "3309", "socket" => "", "table_prefix" => "wp_[my_table_prefix]", "site_prefix" => "", "clean_entities" => true, "comments" => true, "categories" => true, "tags" => true, "more_excerpt" => true, "more_anchor" => true, "extension" => "html", "status" => ["publish"] })'
Follow Open phpMyAdmin to get those info:
- [mysql_db] - the same as mysql_user for my instance
- [mysql_user]
- [mysql_pwd]
- [mysql_host]
- [my_table_prefix] - an extra prefix after wp_
I encountered an error when I ran the above command.
LoadError: cannot load such file -- mysql2
As I didn’t have MySql installed on my local environment.
brew install mysql
sudo gem install mysql2 --platform=ruby
Convert html to md
Once import job complete, all of my previous posts were downloaded as html files, I converted them to MarkDown format and then manually fixed the image references.
Google Tag Manager
“jekyll-google-tag-manager” is not supported by GitHub as it’s not in Dependency Version. Therefore, I have to include GTM html into head and body.
Other useful plugins
- Sitemap - jekyll-sitemap
301 Redirect - jekyll-redirect-from
In the post md file, I just need to include redirect_from in yaml header e.g.
--- layout: post title: 'AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions' redirect_from: - /az-400/ --- ...MY POST CONTENT...