Migrate my blog from WordPress to Jekyll

Why Jekyll?

My blog was on WordPress hosted by Godaddy. Using WordPress is simple for non-technical people, they don’t have to understand HTML and CSS.

Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories. As a file-based CMS, it can render Markdown and Liquid templates. And it’s free.

As an IT guy, similar to “infrastructure as code”, I can handle “post as code” and merge my posts into GitHub branch.

Before Migration

Fix issue in Big Sur (MacOS)

After upgrading my Mac to the latest OS, Jekyll stopped working and threw this error:

  Could not find eventmachine-1.2.7 in any of the sources. Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

Then Google gave me the following solution:

Data Migration

According to https://import.jekyllrb.com/docs/wordpress/, I need to install jekyll-import to import my posts from WordPress.

  1. Install all the required plugins

    • Install sequel

        sudo gem install sequel
    • Install unidecode

        sudo gem install unidecode
    • Install jekyll-import

        sudo gem install jekyll-import
  2. Run jekyll-import

     ruby -r rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import";
         "dbname"         => "[mysql_db]",
         "user"           => "[mysql_user]",
         "password"       => "[mysql_pwd]",
         "host"           => "[mysql_host]",
         "port"           => "3309",
         "socket"         => "",
         "table_prefix"   => "wp_[my_table_prefix]",
         "site_prefix"    => "",
         "clean_entities" => true,
         "comments"       => true,
         "categories"     => true,
         "tags"           => true,
         "more_excerpt"   => true,
         "more_anchor"    => true,
         "extension"      => "html",
         "status"         => ["publish"]

    Follow Open phpMyAdmin to get those info:

    • [mysql_db] - the same as mysql_user for my instance
    • [mysql_user]
    • [mysql_pwd]
    • [mysql_host]
    • [my_table_prefix] - an extra prefix after wp_

    I encountered an error when I ran the above command.

     LoadError: cannot load such file -- mysql2

    As I didn’t have MySql installed on my local environment.

     brew install mysql
     sudo gem install mysql2 --platform=ruby
  3. Convert html to md

    Once import job complete, all of my previous posts were downloaded as html files, I converted them to MarkDown format and then manually fixed the image references.

  4. Google Tag Manager

    “jekyll-google-tag-manager” is not supported by GitHub as it’s not in Dependency Version. Therefore, I have to include GTM html into head and body.

  5. Other useful plugins

    • Sitemap - jekyll-sitemap
    • 301 Redirect - jekyll-redirect-from

      In the post md file, I just need to include redirect_from in yaml header e.g.

        layout: post
        title: 'AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions'
          - /az-400/
        ...MY POST CONTENT...