Identity Server - Example

It’s been nearly 2 years since I posted Music Store, a few things had happened:

Instead of updating my Music Store, I decided to continue the free version of Identity Server (v4) and use Scott Brady’s Getting Started with IdentityServer 4 as an example. In his amazing blog, he has clearly described the OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and the relationship between Clients, Resources, Scopes and Users.

I forked Scott’s repo to my Identity Server 4, the master branch is Duende Identity Server v5.2, the IdentityServer4 is the branch that built upon Identity Server 4. It is EF Code First, therefore the demo data will be populated into MS SQLServer Express automatically at the first initialization.

Here is the architecture of the example: Architecture

  1. View Privacy page - redirect to Identity Server login (usename: scott, password: Password123!)
  2. Issue access token and redirect back to Client
  3. Consume API with access token
  4. Validate token from Identity Server
  5. Respond results